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  • SeleyaTech

An Election Headed Towards Greater Uncertainty

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

The US Presidential Election Day has historically been a high-stakes moment for the markets. This is doubly true for tonight.

As millions of Americans head to the polls, the market is bracing for volatility from an increasingly uncertain election outcome. Our analysis shows rising instances of "contested election" mentioned in local news worldwide and consistently downward-trending sentiment. An unusually high number of early and mail-in ballots (owing to COVID-19) could result in a chaotic and confusing election night.

Are the markets in for a bumpy ride ahead? Share with us your take in the comment box below.


Seleya Technologies is an industry expert in AI and quantitative analytical tools for financial institutions. We leverage AI to augment human perspectives, enabling financial institutions to make decisions faster, more accurately, and with less bias.

Our two solutions include ExpertAI for institutional investors and ExpertAI ESG™ that scales up a financial institution’s in-house, proprietary ESG assessments.

Our team has been authoring the intersection of AI and investing since 2013. The company is founded by experienced investors and computer scientists with over 20 years of experience developing solutions for financial institutions.



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